gust n. 1.阵风;一阵狂风。 2.(雨、火、烟、雹、声音等)突发的一阵;(感情)迸发。 a gust of rage 勃然大怒。 a gust of rain 一阵暴雨。 a gust of wind 一阵风。 n. 1.〔古语〕味觉,味感。 2.风味,嗜好。 have a gust of 嗜好,欣赏。 vt. 〔苏格兰语〕 尝尝,享受。
A gust of wind dashed rain against the window . 一股风把雨吹过来打在窗上。
A gust of wind dashed the rain into their faces . 一阵风把雨点打到他们的脸上。
Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road . 这时,一阵狂风卷起沿街的尘土。
There was a gust of wind and then it began to pour . 刮了一阵风,跟着就下起了大雨。
A gust of wind overturned the aircraft and smashed it up . 一阵风把飞机刮翻,并被撞毁。
A sudden gust of wind slapped icy wet snow into joe patronis face . 突然吹来一阵大风,把又凉又湿的雪片,打在乔佩特罗尼的脸上。
Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh depeopled the streets . 阵阵寒风夹着零星雨点已使街上几乎空无一人了。
Suddenly a gust of wind whipped the boat round. it tore the sails from the mast . 突然一股大风把小船吹了个掉头,桅杆上的帆被撕裂下来。
There was a gust of wind over the hilltop, and the old gallows fell down right on the horse's neck . 山顶上刮起了一阵狂风,那腐朽的绞架被风刮倒落下,正好牢牢套在马脖子上。
Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody . 那些天花板上悬挂下来随风飘动的形状奇特的雕塑品,人们早已十分熟悉。